The NOMAD Laboratory

Novel Materials Discovery at the FHI Molecular Physics Department
of the Max Planck Society

Responsibilities in the NOMAD Laboratory

Task Responsible Persons
Seminars of the NOMAD Laboratory Christian Carbogno
Coffee Talks Thomas Purcell
Common Tasks
Common Room, Building T Rayya Douedari
Espresso machine Rayya Douedari
Library Administration, FHI Library Commission Rayya Douedari
Purchasing Books Rayya Douedari
Inventory Taking  Rayya Douedari
Communication with the Computer Center in Garching Christian Carbogno
Web Pages
Web Pages of the NOMAD Laboratory Rayya Douedari
Contacts to Ψk Christian Carbogno, Matthias Scheffler
Contacts to CECAM Matthias Scheffler
Contacts to ETSF Matthias Scheffler
FHI-aims Sebastian Kokott
Data Protection Heinz Junkes
First Aid, Building T Friedrich Rammer