Research Activities of the NOMAD Laboratory
You find information on the research activities of the different groups of the department on their respective homepages here.
Poster List and Abstracts 2023 (internal Poster Session November 2023):
The institute is evaluated every 2-3 years and for this occasion, the recent research activities are reported.
You can read the latest report for the "Beirat" (scientific advisory board) from November 2022:
- Report on the NOMAD Laboratory 2022
- Third Party Funding as of 08-2022
- Publications for the period September 2019 - August 2022
- Invited Talks for the period September 2019 - August 2022
- Poster List and Abstracts 2022
- Organization Chart NOMAD Laboratory 2023
Previous Reports
Report for the "Beirat" (scientific advisory board) from November 2019:
Report/abstracts for the "Beirat" (scientific advisory board) from November 2017:
Report/abstracts for the "Beirat" (scientific advisory board) from November 2015:
Report/abstracts for the "Beirat" (scientific advisory board) in February 2014:
Watch a brief summary of our 24 posters from 2014 by their key authors on youtube (2 min or less per poster).
Starting times of the different clips are noted in the in the explanation panel below the movie screen. We suggest to set the quality level to 480p (click at the small gear wheel at the bar right below the movie screen). Higher resolutions are obviously better but the downloading may be slow.
As an alternative there is also a playlist with single clips for every presentation: poster parade playlist.